../../../a0/logo-SFBT.gif Société Francophone de Biologie Théorique
French-speaking Society for Theoretical Biology

XXVIth Seminar of the SFBT

Characterization and Analysis of Heterogeneity
in Biological Systems

Saint-Flour (Cantal - France) : June 18 - 21 2006

7 rue des planchettes   La Maison des Planchettes   F-15100   Saint-Flour


Claude MANTE  -  David NERINI  -  Jacques VIRET


NB : Some paragraphs have not yet been translated. See the French version for more information.

This Seminar will be devoted to the notion of heterogeneity through experimental and theoretical studies in domains such as biology, physiology, epidemiology and ecology. The following topics will be addressed:

This Seminar is organized in 5 half day sessions. The last session may be devoted to free subjects. The Delattre price (750 euros) will be awarded to the best oral presentation of a young researcher.


Cardinale, B. J. & Palmer, N. A. (2002). The influence of substrate heterogeneity on biofilm metabolism in a stream ecosystem, Ecology, 83 (2), 412-422.

Lévêque, C. (2003). Ecology : From Ecosystem to Biosphere. Science Publisher inc., New York, 490 p.

Kolasa, J. & Rollo, C. D. (1991). The heterogeneity of heterogeneity: A glossary. Pages 1-23 In: Ecological heterogeneity. J. Kolasa and S. T. A. Pickett, eds. Springer-Verlag, New York.


Schedule and deadlines

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