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French-speaking Society for Theoretical Biology
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XXVIth Seminar of the SFBT

Registration Form

Saint-Flour (Cantal - France) : June 18 - 21 2006

General information

[] Student                         [] Other title:
[] I donēt wish to compete for the Delattre Price
NAME:                              Given Name(s):
Phone:                             LABORATORY and MAILING ADDRESS:


[] I wish to present a communication: [] Oral  [] Poster
RESEARCH DOMAIN (Ecology, Medicine, ...):
COMMUNICATION TITLE  (maximum 120 letters):

NB : A communication summary (250 words) should be sent not later than Monday June 5 2006 to David NERINI (mailto:nerini(o)com.univ-mrs.fr). Oral communications will be accepted within available time. See the author's instructions for more details.

[] I wish to participate to this Seminar proceedings
by submitting an article to Acta Biotheoretica


Prices include accommodation and meals from Sunday evening (June 18) till Wednesday afternoon (June 21), i.e. 3 nights and complete pension.

Arrival Date:                      Arrival Hour:
Departure Date:                    Departure Hour:
[] I am accompanied and wish a double room
Name of the accompanying person:


[] 125 EUR (SFBT member student)   [] 160 EUR (student)
[] 235 EUR (SFBT member)           [] 280 EUR (other participant)
in the form of
[] I wish to receive a bill.
[] I join my SFBT membership for this year.

NB : Membership form  [pdf]

This form and the cheque or the possible order should be transmitted before June 5 to

David Nerini, Centre d'Océanologie de Marseille, Laboratoire de Microbiologie, de Géochimie et d'Ecologie Marines, UMR CNRS 6117, Campus de Luminy - Case 901, F-13288 Marseille Cedex 09,
Fax: +33 (0)4 91 82 91 19, mailto:nerini(o)com.univ-mrs.fr

Date:                           Signature:

(#) Attention: For proper processing, the order should mention the Name(s) of concerned Member(s).

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